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A child's hand along a rock face
Organising ideas


Explore the physical and spiritual connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples share with Country/Place.

Learn about country/place

You are invited to explore the breadth of knowledge Indigenous Peoples hold about the lands, waters and skies. Learn about the unique ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples care for Country/Place through Elements such as Land, Fire, Water and Sky.

Curriculum priorities

For each cross-curriculum priority, a set of organising ideas reflects the essential knowledge, understandings and skills for the priority.



First Nations communities of Australia maintain a deep connection to, and responsibility for, Country/Place and have holistic values and belief systems that are connected to the land, sea, sky and waterways.


The occupation and colonisation of Australia by the British, under the now overturned doctrine of terra nullius, were experienced by First Nations Australians as an invasion that denied their occupation of, and connection to, Country/Place.


The First Peoples of Australia are the traditional owners of Country/Place, protected in Australian Law by the Native Title Act 1993 which recognises pre-existing sovereignty, continuing systems of law and customs, and connection to Country/Place. This recognised legal right provides for economic sustainability and a voice into the development and management of Country/Place.

Explore organising ideas

Woman doing large dot paining


Examine the sophistication of Indigenous society, both historically and contemporaneously, by immersing yourself in elements of Deep Time, Communications and Rights and Freedoms.

Cave painting


Investigate the cultural diversity and resilience of Indigenous Peoples and knowledges through Elements such as Kinship and Design.