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Where to from here? Truth-telling Pedagogies and Education

This panel will consider how educators can engage with truth-telling in their work. It will consider the impact of truth-telling, the relationships between truth-telling and reconciliation, and the role of teachers in this vital work. Facilitated by Dr Jessica Gannaway, the panel for this session will include:

  • Lionel Bamblett, Victorian Aboriginal Education Association (VAEAI)

  • Justine Grogan, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)

  • Karen Mundine, Reconciliation Australia

  • Anne Maree Payne, University of New South Wales

Date: Thursday 10 April

Time: 5.00pm-6.30pm

Where: Online via Zoom

This session is free, but registrations are essential. Click here to register.

Text of The Australian Wars, Aboriginal man stands by water in his reflection is a British solider

Teaching The Australian Wars Panel with Rachel Perkins & Marcia Langton

Wednesday 19th March, 2025

Teaching The Australian Wars Panel with Rachel Perkins & Marcia Langton

Ngarrngga and Culture is Life are partnering to present ‘Teaching the Australian Wars: A Panel featuring Rachel Perkins and Marcia Langton’. This free event will be an opportunity to learn more about The Australian Wars material and educational resources and inspire educators to showcase Australia’s shared frontier war history in their classrooms. We encourage initial teacher education students, academics, in-service teachers, and interested parties to attend.

Register here

Where to from here in Indigenous education Panel #1: The Teacher Crisis

Wednesday 5 June, 2024 

Where to from here in Indigenous education: The Teacher Crisis 

Ngarrngga’s In Conversation Panel Series: ‘Where to from here in Indigenous education’ is beginning with one of the most pressing issues facing the education sector – the teacher crisis. The first panel will be hosted by Ngarrngga Director, Professor Melitta Hogarth and will discuss why an increasing number of teachers are leaving the profession and the impact the crisis is having on Indigenous education. This session will be facilitated by Professor Russell Cross, with panel members including Professor Jo Lampert, Professor Marie Brennan and others.

Watch the Panel

Two people weaving

Reconciliation in Education: Past, Present and Future Forum

Friday 24 November, 2023

Education leaders from across the country will gather at the National Museum of Australia for a full day of exploration and celebration of reconciliation in education.

This forum is co-hosted by Reconciliation Australia's Narragunnawali and Ngarrngga. Educators and senior government representatives will hear from inspiring education champions such as Professor Peter Buckskin, Associate Professor Melitta Hogarth, and Dyonne Anderson. In the evening, the Narragunnawali Awards 2023 will celebrate Australian schools and early learning services with a passion for reconciliation in education.

Read the Report