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Learning Area:


Year levels:

Level 9, Level 10

Suggested timing:

20 to 30 minutes

Required resources:

Laptop/tablet with internet access, Projector, Introduction to fire management clips

Control fire burn with night sky. Mornington Island, Lardil country

Activity 1 - Fire balls

This activity is a part of the Contemporary fire management resource.

Night Burning. Mornington Island, Lardil country. Photographer: Joe Sambono. Source: Ngarrngga. © Joe Sambono 2023. Used with permission

In this activity, students will watch informative videos about fire management and prevention, exploring how modern technology integrates with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditional knowledge. They'll engage in discussions on innovative uses of technology, environmental impacts, and the economic sustainability of collaborative land management practices.

Required resources

Step by step guide

Step 1: Plan which clips to share with students

From the list provided, prior to the lesson view the clips and decide which are best to share with students.

Step 2: View clips about fire management and facilitate a class discussion

The following questions may be used to support a discussion.

  1. How has the use of modern technology used in fire management and prevention drawn on the traditional knowledge and practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples? Provide resource to stimulate discussion – locate video that shows fire balls being used.

  2. After going through the explanations of incendiary devices and how they work being dropped from helicopters in remote areas, as a class, brainstorm ideas on other ways this technology could be used, for example:

    • Dropping fire balls in different patterns

    • Avoiding fire-sensitive areas using GPS

    • Dropping balls to create a back-burn to protect infrastructure.

  3. What other technology could be combined with use of helicopters or other aircraft in fire management?

  4. The goal of combining traditional knowledge with modern fire science has been to reduce fire loads and risk of bushfire, mainly to protect infrastructure. What other outcomes can be achieved? E.g., environmental outcomes.

  5. What other aspects of traditional knowledge could be incorporated into modern fire management?

  6. How is collaboration and teamwork between different community members important?

  7. How does the carbon abatement scheme provide economic sustainability to this type of land management? Consider the expenses of running helicopters, etc.

Related activities within this resources:

Control fire burn with night sky. Mornington Island, Lardil country

Activity 2 - New fire technologies

In this activity, students will research cutting-edge fire technology, brainstorm creative applications, and design solutions to address specific fire management challenges, fostering innovative thinking in the context of fire prevention and protection.

Control fire burn with night sky. Mornington Island, Lardil country

Activity 3- Exploring the Concept

In this activity, students can explore and engage with the question: How do Traditional Land Management practices shape the landscape?

Suggested timing:

One lesson

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