Home/Curriculum resources/Indigenous astronomy, communication, and digital technology/Activity 3 - Behind the scenes of animators work
Learning Area:
Year levels:
Level 5, Level 6
Suggested timing:
One lesson

Activity 3 - Behind the scenes of animators work
This activity is a part of the Indigenous astronomy, communication, and digital technology resource.
Ara. Photographer: Peter Lieverdink. Source: Flickr. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Students begin the task by looking at the footage of the production crew and take notes on the roles and tasks outlined by the team.
Then looking closer at the role of language and collaboration with Indigenous people within the project, students will go deeper to explore these ideas.
Related activities within this resources:

Activity 1 - Film and discussion
Have students watching up to three of the digital animations related to astronomy, keeping notes about particular aspects of the films, and participating in an in-class discussion.
Suggested timing:
30 mins - 1 hr
Required resources:
TV/computer, notebook, pen

Activity 2 - Create a post for an online collaborative discussion
Expanding on the class discussion. Students then apply what they learned and contribute their discussion notes to an online collaborative space (such as Padlet, Miro, Microsoft Whiteboard, etc.)
Suggested timing:
30 mins - 1 hr