Home/Curriculum resources/Budj Bim: an Aboriginal cultural heritage landscape /Activity 2 - Budj Bim Timeline tasks: change and continuity
Learning Area:
Humanities and Social Sciences
Year level:
Level 10
Suggested timing:
One to two lessons

Activity 2 - Budj Bim Timeline tasks: change and continuity
This activity is a part of the Budj Bim: an Aboriginal cultural heritage landscape resource.
Lake Surprise, Budj Bim, Victoria. Gunditjmara country. Source: Wikimedia Commons. License: CC0 1.0
Students are to be provided with this list of events and key pieces of information with which they will choose from key events for their own timeline creation.
This task sheet can be used to have students record their choices in relation to Budj Bim.
Related activities within this resources:

Activity 1 - Researching Budj Bim
Students will undertake a research task into the cultural connections of the Budj Bim people to country, their development and use of environmental management strategies over thousands of years, and the modern context of collaborative management of the area

Activity 3 - UNESCO World Heritage list research
Students will research and explore the UNESCO World Heritage list and consider the ways it might be applied to sites of Indigenous importance across the world.
Suggested timing:
30 minutes